Whitby Abbey
Anyone who knows a photogeek, will have been bored silly interested and enlightened by a dissertation on the need to take landscape photographs during the “golden hour” - the hour just after dawn or just before dusk. It’s the quality and angle of the light, you’ll have been told. So, Jon and I are in Whitby, and the weather is pretty ghastly, so good “light” seems unlikely, even during the supposed golden hour. At around 4.00 however, the clouds part and the light suddenly improves, so it looks as though we might be able to get some shots of Whitby Abbey up on the Hill. When we eventually climb up there however, the powers that be have decided that one ought to pay to gain access (this didn’t used to be the case,) and that it should be closed to the public at 4.00 each afternoon. Undeterred, I decided that some images were going to be taken, IN the right light, AT the right time, whether they liked it or not, but had to compromise a little and shoot with my compact camera whilst hanging over the wall. A litte dabbling with Silver Efex Pro and this is the result. Well, I can promise you, if YOU’d walked up all those steps, you wouldn’t have come down without a shot either!